Testimonial Match

What is a Soccer Testimonial Match? TESTIMONIAL MATCH DEFINITION: A soccer Testimonial Match or Testimonial Game (or simply a Testimonial) is the tradition of a professional soccer club to host a game that honors a retiring player for his (or her ) service and significant contributions to the futbol club. Not every player receives a…


OVERTHINKING OVERTHINKING DEFINITION: Thinking so deep on a matter that it stifles or precludes the flow of prudent action. Often, overthinking can be a sign of overcoaching, which could stem from a player, parent, or coach. Consequently or due to other factors, the overthinking soccer player may play in fear. This could be the fear…


OVERCOACHING Overcoaching is a term used to describe the excessive input or feedback a coach delivers to a player or group of players. The overwhelming input delivered to a player can stifle or debilitate the player’s performance, especially the player’s cognitive ability to actively problem solve or develop problem-solving ability within the dynamic game of…

High Press

HIGH PRESS High Press is a tactical soccer term used to describe applying defensive pressure higher up the field toward the opponent’s goal.

Freeze The Play

FREEZE THE PLAY Freeze The Play is a soccer phrase often used to stop the players exactly where there are during a training session to teach a technical or tactical coaching point applicable to that moment. It is often critical that players return to the exact Body Orientation (Body Shape) and Tactical Shape (or position…

Body Orientation

BODY ORIENTATION / BODY SHAPE “Analyzing the benefits of a crucial, but easily overlooked trait.“ Individual Soccer Player Tactical Body Orientation (Player Body Shape) is the soccer player’s orientation of the body in relation to the ball, the player’s prioritized situational role within the formation, and the player’s Body Orientation in relation to the specific…